Monday, November 10, 2008

Good News for Beatrice!

Miss Bea still looks pretty pathetic in the above picture, but there's actually quite a lot of good news about the widdle fuzzy. Her mom called me yesterday to tell me how good her wound is looking (which is to say, how healed.) So that's the immediate good news. (Especially for her mom because, as you can see in the picture, they had to put her in a hard plastic cone in order to keep her from licking, which meant a lot of middle-of-the-night bumps in the face by a certain kitten seeking attention.)

The even better news? While at the vet having her wound looked at, Miss Bea also got her snap test for Feline Leukemia-- and it came back NEGATIVE. Wooot!!! Hurrah!!


  1. Oh thank god! What wonderful negative news! Good baby!

  2. @abigail: I know! It's so wonderful!!! Hurrah!! Now we're just waiting for Zoe to get tested next month. ::fingers crossed::

  3. Yayyyy!! That's so awesome!

  4. Now, if only she would stop sleeping on my face while she has that hard e-collar on. Then we would be set.

  5. @Flurije: Any idea when the collar will be coming off?

    @yl: Isn't it just?? I'm so happy!!!

  6. I think I'll take a dog walking into my legs any day - rather than have a cat hit me in the face w/the e-collar. ouch. my sympathies.

  7. @dtigersm: Yeah, as if Beatrice weren't full of enough sharp pointies and ways to injure people, right?! But the ordeal of the e-collar is almost over... :)

  8. I'm not sure when it'll be coming off, exactly. As soon as the wound stops oozing completely I'm going to take it off.
    Yeah, I know, gross.
