Monday, July 14, 2008

OMG Kitties!

NOTE: THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PICTURES IN THIS ENTRY. BLOGGER WON'T LET ME UPLOAD THEM. BAH! I'll try to fix this later. But you can still go to the Flickr sets.

Not a lot to say, here in Project-Cat-land, today. Beatrice is doing well-- she really likes to attack feet and the laser pointer, and any exposed skin when I'm trying to sleep. (I've been pretty much giving up after a short time each night and sleeping on the couch. Sigh.)

The wee wild ones have had no change since I posted yesterday. They're still playing when I'm not in the room, hiding when I am, and showing only some interest in playing. They still seem to be having bowel issues. They aren't eating a lot, but they are eating, and they are drinking water. The vet never called me back, so I guess I'll be calling again tomorrow.

Yesterday it poured, so I'm worried about the colony-cats. Their usual hiding spaces (the tunnels) were completely flooded, and as of early evening today the waters still hadn't completely subsided, and only one of the four tunnels was reachable. I'm sure most of them have dealt with this kind of weather and trouble before, but I can't help worrying that one or more of them was caught in a tunnel in the flood, or that in their inability to get to their usual safe places they got caught somewhere unsafe. I have seen Creamsicle, Gandolf, Pigpen and Little Grey so far, since the rains. The DNL said she saw "two black ones" (which would have to be Mistoffolees and Gremlin, whom I've never seen together) but I'm not particularly inclined to believe her whole-cloth. (Although she did give me some quite yummy eggplant paremsan yesterday.) I really hope Barnaby and her potential kittens are safe. Hopefully the waters will have finished subsiding tomorrow, and I can poke around the usual hiding places. (And, undoubtedly, get covered in mud since that's what's being left behind.) Monsoon season seems rather early this year.

Anyway, as you could probably already tell from the pictures decorating this post, I've found my camera. On it were pictures of the Wild Kittens still in the wild (only 2 good ones, though), Beatrice at her Forever Mommy's house (14 good ones), and now, as of this evening, the Wild Kittens in the bathroom. That last is rather less impressive sounding than the first, isn't it?

Pictures in the Baby Kitten Set (14) and the Wild Kittens Set (14, even though they're no longer part of the colony, I can't be bothered to change the name!)


Anonymous said...

I believe someone has killed a cat and thrown it on the carport above my car. I will rport it to the office in the morning. It is a yellow tiger.this is sad ....deb apt 366

Anonymous said...

never mind he just sleeping. never seen that before.

The Commissioner said...

@Deb: Wow. I stopped breathing there for a moment, 'til I read your second comment. Thank goodness he was just sleeping (it's probably the one I call Creamsicle.) There are people out there (thankfully I know none of them in person) who will hunt feral cats for sport, so it is not beyond the realm of possibility. Thank heavens that it's not the case though. ::breathes a sigh of relief::

Eve said...

Is your colony doing ok after all the rain? Are the kittens improving? Can we please get an update? Some of us are almost as curious as cats. Thanks!